News from 2023

18th August 2023 - Results of AGM 2023 - New Chair and Committee

With apologies for the delay in publishing the results of the AGM elections. 

At the end of the time to receive nominations for Officers and Committee Members there were none for either Chair, Vice-Chair or Secretary. However we did receive one for Chair 2 days before the AGM itself. 

So, the election results at the AGM and the committee meeting held afterwards were as follows:

Chair: Jason Atkin
Treasurer: David Gray
Committee Members - Cath Hardy, Bob Hingston, Bill Jameson, Kevin Senior, Linda Tidd, Richard Powley (representing Winster Morris Dancers), Steve Thompson (representing Darley Dale Band) and Ann Elliot (representing DDTC)

The vacancies for the positions of Vice-Chair and Secretary can be dealt with by the Committee when any volunteers come forward.

Whilst we can continue without a Secretary for the moment, when get busy we do need someone to take up this vital job. If anybody has the slightest inkling that they could be Secretary, do talk to us via the contact form on our website.

11th June 2023 - Annual General Meeting Thursday 29th June 2023

Please see our Home Page for detail of our AGM 2023 to be held on 29th June 2023 at 7.30pm in the Gallery Room, The Whitworth, Darley Dale.

21st April 2023 - Open Day - Programme Saturday 29th April 2023

Dear friends,

Here is the programme for the Open Day. We have received a very nice video message from our friends in Onzain which we will show at the Open Day in between the various music and dance performances. We have also put together some photo slideshows which we hope will demonstrate how enjoyable and rewarding twinning exchanges can be.

We have had some volunteers to help others who do not know anything about twinning to understand what goes on during a twinning exchange. Again, if you can spare a little bit of time at some stage during the afternoon to help on the information desk, this will be much appreciated. 

Programme Poster

21st March 2023 - Open Day "A Taste of Twinning" Saturday 29th April 2023

Dear friends,

We are having an Open Day in the Whitworth on Saturday afternoon 29th April, see details below. Please come along and remind yourselves how much fun a twinning weekend can be! We need some volunteers from people who have been to Onzain or hosted French visitors here, to spend some time at the Information Desk helping new people to understand what goes on and how a twinning weekend works. If you could spend a little time on the Saturday afternoon helping people who are new to twinning, please let me know by email: Open Day Flyer